Giving at Advent
We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the encourager, in encouragement; the giver, in sincerity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness.
Romans 12: 6-8 (NRSV)
A life of giving offers us many ways to make a difference in our parish, our community, and in our world. Although there isn’t a wrong way to be generous, we may find that by tapping into our unique skills and creativity, we can enjoy a truly enriching and rewarding experience. There are many opportunities to offer our Time, Talent, and Treasure at Advent.
Time is one of the most valuable resources we have. There are many opportunities to give of our time by participating in Advent’s ministries and outreach opportunities:
Sharing our talent is a unique and personal way for us to give. Whether it is intellectual capital, professional experience, unique skills and hobbies, or even social networks to bolster our outreach ministries, giving of our talents can benefit our parish in many ways. Arranging flowers, creating a graphic art design, requesting in-kind donations for events from local businesses, leading children’s programs, and offering gardening expertise while serving on the Grounds Committee are all examples of sharing our talent.
Advent operates primarily on the faithful giving of our members and visitors. This can be in the form of cash, pledged giving, memorial or one-time giving, or planned giving.
Pledged Giving
Each Fall, members of our congregation are asked to make a financial commitment to the ongoing ministries of Advent Church. Pledging is an affirmation of faith and commitment to ensure the vitality of our parish. It helps our Vestry make informed budget decisions on our operating expenses and commitments. Click here to make your pledge.
Memorial and One-Time Gifts
Advent has many financial needs for the maintenance and upkeep of our campus, as well as for continuing our outreach ministries. A memorial gift that honors the memory of a faithful parishioner is a unique way to remember them while keeping the church’s mission alive. One-time gifts can be designated for altar flowers, ongoing ministries, repairs, or any other need. View Advent’s Wish List here.
Planned Giving/Endowments
Planned gifts are separate from the Annual Stewardship Season. An endowment consists of funds donated by a parishioner upon death with a signed agreement directing the use of the income. The principal is held in perpetuity, with investment proceeds used for various church ministries and numerous outreach partners.
Contact Advent to find out more about giving opportunities at [email protected] or 850.386.5109.
Romans 12: 6-8 (NRSV)
A life of giving offers us many ways to make a difference in our parish, our community, and in our world. Although there isn’t a wrong way to be generous, we may find that by tapping into our unique skills and creativity, we can enjoy a truly enriching and rewarding experience. There are many opportunities to offer our Time, Talent, and Treasure at Advent.
Time is one of the most valuable resources we have. There are many opportunities to give of our time by participating in Advent’s ministries and outreach opportunities:
- Annual Events (Bowls & Brews, Breakfast with St. Nicholas, Plant Sale, Trunk or Treat)
- Christian Education and Children’s Ministries (Adult Formation Class, Godly Play, Nursery)
- Fellowship and Hospitality (Breakfast, Coffee Hour, Receptions)
- Committees and Groups (Buildings and Grounds, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Communications, Episcopal Church Women, Stewardship, Strategic Planning)
- Community Outreach (A Full Summer, ECHO, Episcopal Relief & Development, Grace Mission)
- Pastoral Ministries (Driving others to church, visiting parishioners with special needs)
- Worship Assistants (Acolytes, Altar Guild, Choir, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers)
Sharing our talent is a unique and personal way for us to give. Whether it is intellectual capital, professional experience, unique skills and hobbies, or even social networks to bolster our outreach ministries, giving of our talents can benefit our parish in many ways. Arranging flowers, creating a graphic art design, requesting in-kind donations for events from local businesses, leading children’s programs, and offering gardening expertise while serving on the Grounds Committee are all examples of sharing our talent.
Advent operates primarily on the faithful giving of our members and visitors. This can be in the form of cash, pledged giving, memorial or one-time giving, or planned giving.
Pledged Giving
Each Fall, members of our congregation are asked to make a financial commitment to the ongoing ministries of Advent Church. Pledging is an affirmation of faith and commitment to ensure the vitality of our parish. It helps our Vestry make informed budget decisions on our operating expenses and commitments. Click here to make your pledge.
Memorial and One-Time Gifts
Advent has many financial needs for the maintenance and upkeep of our campus, as well as for continuing our outreach ministries. A memorial gift that honors the memory of a faithful parishioner is a unique way to remember them while keeping the church’s mission alive. One-time gifts can be designated for altar flowers, ongoing ministries, repairs, or any other need. View Advent’s Wish List here.
Planned Giving/Endowments
Planned gifts are separate from the Annual Stewardship Season. An endowment consists of funds donated by a parishioner upon death with a signed agreement directing the use of the income. The principal is held in perpetuity, with investment proceeds used for various church ministries and numerous outreach partners.
Contact Advent to find out more about giving opportunities at [email protected] or 850.386.5109.
Advent Episcopal Church
815 Piedmont Drive Tallahassee, FL 32312 Phone: 850-386-5109 Fax: 850-385-7225 [email protected] Episcopal Church of the Advent Website Privacy Policy Advent Terms of Use Agreement |