Children's Formation and Nursery
Godly Play is Advent’s Christian Formation program for children 3+. The session begins at 10:00 am every Sunday (unless otherwise announced) in the Evelyn and Bill May Godly Play Room up the stairs from the back of the Parish hall. The hour-long program ends in time for the children to join the church service at or about the Offertory. This program celebrates the spirituality of children by teaching the basics of our faith through engaging storytelling, making artwork, feasting, and of course, play.
Nursery is available for children age 4 and under during the 10:30 service. To find the nursery, go down the stairs between the back of the church and the pond, and go in the first door on the right. Parents drop their children off before church and pick them up either before the Eucharist or immediately following the service.
Children participate in special programs throughout the year during Christmas, Shrove Tuesday and Easter. In addition, we partner with Holy Comforter Church for Vacation Bible School.
Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them. For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Mark 10:11b
Nursery is available for children age 4 and under during the 10:30 service. To find the nursery, go down the stairs between the back of the church and the pond, and go in the first door on the right. Parents drop their children off before church and pick them up either before the Eucharist or immediately following the service.
Children participate in special programs throughout the year during Christmas, Shrove Tuesday and Easter. In addition, we partner with Holy Comforter Church for Vacation Bible School.
Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them. For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Mark 10:11b
VBS Holy Comforter
Advent Episcopal Church
815 Piedmont Drive Tallahassee, FL 32312 Phone: 850-386-5109 Fax: 850-385-7225 [email protected] Episcopal Church of the Advent Website Privacy Policy Advent Terms of Use Agreement |